Spanx it up! The right shapes... with no bumps! Tuesday, June 25

How to wear your spanx!
I have to admit, embracing spanx was not something I was thrilled about.  See in my younger days my lower stomach was one of my best assets, and FLAT! As each child came along so did some extra skin and a few bumps I was not used to seeing. When hunting for "undergarments" it's easy to get lost in a sea of nude stretchy things that reminded me of grandmas slips. My first experience was at my sisters wedding which I literally called the "sausage" as I squirmed my way into this casing like tube shaped material that was nearly impossible to get in and when I did, I could barley breath. But.... I have to say, I felt tighter, taller, sucked in, tucked in and constantly reminded that if you let go of your breath, even for a second,  you might just explode!

So today a lesson in spanx. If you get it right, you will be so happy you did. There are so many options and variations, you almost need a manual to understand what they all do.

1 - The basic leotard type with a skinny strap and thong back. This style is perfect for your fitted tank tops, or if your going to wear a shirt tucked into a pant or skirt.  You would still wear a strapless bra with this to give the support and shape in your top.

2. The tried and true basic tank holds you in while providing smooth lines, hiding the dreaded back fat and bra indents. I love this one because the straps are thicker allowing you to still wear your favorite bra.

3. High waist control top with legs. This option is great for long dresses, a fitted maxi or gown. The legs go down to avoid any lines on the thigh and the waist is high to suck in your tummy. You can wear your bra  and for extra support add a tank top over the bottoms.

4. High waisted shorts. This style is great for your a-line dresses, fuller skirts, cute sun dresses and structured shapes with texture.

5. Strapless body shaper. This little number gives a perfect silhouette for a lovely strapless dress or top and skirt. 


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