I have been super busy with the launch of HeirBloom and didn't even pick up my laptop this whole week! What happens in your house when you are working on a project? Does everything else fall apart or just not get done until you finally finish and can focus your attention back on the every day? I think you would have enjoyed seeing my home this past week with piles of laundry and Heirbloom stuff strewn literally throughout 4 different rooms depending on where I felt like designing. Well... the hard work paid off and here is my "spot" at Village Green!

And as I was floating on cloud 9 Friday, I also had a dermatologist appointment, one that I have every 3 months since December of 2009 when I was diagnosed with stage II melanoma. Thank God after surgery, all the margins were removed and we could breath a sigh of relief. My heart just aches for the many families who did not get that same kind of news and have spent years fighting and praying for their health, their lives! Cancer is such a scary word, I don't even like saying it. I would be lying if I said, I never become fearful, fearful that I may face a "battle" of my own or that my pathology report does not come back clear, but then I also believe that no matter my circumstances, my God is able to guide me, carry me, support me, encourage me, deliver me, heal me, and restore me. He is able to do exceedingly more than I could imagine or hope for. And because I have chosen to have a relationship with him, nothing I face, I face alone.
So now I wait, as I had 2 biopsies Friday. Over the past 2 years I have gotten used to just popping in and out, getting the "all good" check from my Dr. and going on my way. This time, she decided to hole punch a mole on my back that she had been watching and thought there had been some pigment change and the other one was a new mole on my right hip that shocked me a little. It was small but when she magnified it, you could see many different colors going on and I could feel my stomach turn a little as I knew she didn't like that. So we did the biopsies and by the way if you have had one, the numbing shots are just awful! Not something I will ever get used too! Then of corse the one of my hip became infected and so now I am on antibiotics! My very sweet Dr. called today to check on me and make sure the meds were working and although I had a slight heart attack when I saw her number, I was very relieved she was just checking on me. And so I am still waiting, waiting to hear if all is fine and life continues as normal or if I will have to go back and have more margins removed for further testing or if I will have to go on to the plastic surgeon or back tho the Oncologist. I do not believe that will happen, I am trusting for the best and keeping HIS word before me, but these times of "waiting" can get unsettling and hard to not let your mind rabbit trail to the what if's. So as I wait, I will fill my mind with truth and promises and wait with him.