Hello! Wow, I cannot believe my last post was in July... time really goes quick when your carrying twins and have 3 other kids and life etc. I have missed posting, but truthfully there has been so much change and priority shift that I am excited to "rebrand" my blog a little. As I started to get bigger carrying the twins I had to stop doing the styling shoots. I realized quickly that being out on the scene and carrying gear and working with the model, styling, make up etc was getting to be too much and sadly I had to let that part of my world go... but here is one of the best shots I have styled to date!
Here is a fun progression of my pregnancy!
3 Months 5 Months 6 Months
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I was so excited about having 2 girls, what is better than dressing up one princess... having 2! I wanted to do the nursery in a soft color pallet and keep things very clean looking. I went with a grey matallic for the end table and accent pillow, mixed with a soft salmon pink curtain and the one and only custom pictures designed by my friend Lindsay Sherbondy!
Thursday October 6th I started having contractions, I was almost 35 weeks and I knew the dr would not stop the labor at this point, so off we went to the hospital! I delivered by c-section the next morning!
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35 weeks |
The days after delivery were a total blurr! We were so blessed both babies were very healthy and could breath on their own. I was really sick the first 24 hours after sugery, throwing up over 20 times! Thank God for the wonderful nurses and my mom and sister Arrean literally wiping my mouth with a washcloth and emptying buckets! It is a very humbling place when you are helpless. I was so happy that Nate could be with the babies in the special care nursery while I was trying to recover. The Dr said the babes would need to be in the nursery for a week to 10 days to make sure they could eat enough and gain weight. This is standard for twins, so I wasn't too suprised. I finally got to see them that night and was just blown away at how adorabthey were and how I could have carried 2 totally different unique little Mays! The other kids were so excited to meet them and I was too! The girls both were able to nurse even with the tubes, which was amazing! Nate and I decided that we would not leave the hospital until the girls could come home! I wanted to nurse them for every feeding, which was a shocker to the staff as it is extreamly difficult recovering from the surgery and all the emotional stress with having 2 babies in the hospital. God knew what he was doing when he gave me Nate! He is the reason I could accomplish such a miraculous gift for the babies! He would wheel me to the nursery every 3 hours, make sure I was eating and drinking, was in charge of all the bottles for the pump and basically did everything but feed them! We also are so blessed by our families who all pitched in to watch our other 3 making it possible to stay in the hosptial for 11 days! When we finally got released to go home, it was surreal! |
Well, here we are home with newborn twins! What an adventure! Honestly, I am so in love with my kids my heart could explode. Going through this experience has challenged me, grown me and motivated me to focus on the things that are important in life and have a little fun in the process.
I was able to host a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with our amazing friends! We all had so much to be thankful for as truthfully out of 6 couples 5 of us were pregnant at the same time! FUN!
I am slowly getting motivated to create and inspire again, mainley from my own life experiences and to make accomplishing goals more fun and exciting! I want this blog to bring encouragement to women who are busy balancing life, dreams, kids, career, relationships etc... and give you a little bit of fun, ideas to bring out "your best look" and "solutions" that may make every day a little easier!