I was reminded this weekend how beautiful the "old" is, the land that has been here for millions of years and for some of us we think our wardrobes are millions of years old.... I have good news, old is in! I have a fun job for all the fashion challenged and fashionistas out there. It is time to go through our closets and recreate our old pieces! Go through your racks and pick out any sweaters, button up tops, jackets or tops that you may not be wearing now but with just a simple additio creates a whole new attitude!

As I was styling a family today for their "fall photos" I realized how to one person a sweater is just a sweater but when we paired it with a leapord belt, it all the sudden became a fabulous sweater! She said "I would have never put those together... the sweater was a soft rose print with browns, taupes, and muted roses in pinky salmon with shades of coral, when we added the leapord belt around the mid waist... it popped and all the sudden the sweater came to life!
Pull out every belt you have and lay it out on your bed, pull out every jacket, and sweater and lay it on your bed. Try on each jacket with different belts and do the same with the sweaters, and all of the sudden you have new looks you didn't know you had. You may have to purchase a skinny belt, and if so may I recommend a leapord print one... after today, I will be getting one too!
With the money you'll save reinventing your "old"... get a coffee for now, but don't worry I will put that to good use soon!